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Uploading a Website

Follow these steps to upload a website to the Massa blockchain using the DeWeb CLI. You can configure settings using either a config file or command-line options.


Before you start, make sure you have the following:

  • Massa Wallet: A wallet file in YAML format or a secret key. Refer to Massa wallet documentation for guidance on obtaining these.
  • Node URL: The URL for the Massa node you plan to use.
  • Website Files: Ensure your website files are in a directory on your local machine and meet the requirements outlined below.

Website Requirements

DeWeb only supports websites that are pre-built. This means the files are generated in advance and ready to serve directly from storage. Your website bundle must include:

  • An index.html file at the root of the directory, which serves as the entry point for your website.
  • Any supporting files (e.g., CSS, JavaScript, images) within the same directory.

This format allows the website to be served directly from the blockchain without the need for server-side processing but supports technologies like Client-Side Rendering (CSR), Client-Side Routing, Single Page Applications (SPAs), and communication with external APIs.

Supported Technologies

Any tools, frameworks, or build systems that generate pre-built files as described above should work with DeWeb. This includes projects that output an index.html file along with all necessary assets for client-side rendering. Examples of supported technologies include:

These technologies produce client-side applications that are bundled into static files and can be served as-is. They support client-side routing, API calls, and other interactive features, provided all necessary files are included in the build output.

Frameworks Requiring Configuration

Frameworks such as Next.js, Nuxt.js, or SvelteKit can be used with DeWeb if they are explicitly configured to output fully static files. By default, these frameworks may rely on features like:

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Pages are generated dynamically on the server at runtime.
  • Dynamic Content Generation: Content depends on backend processing or API routes provided by the framework.

To make these frameworks compatible with DeWeb, you need to configure them to generate a static build. Please consult your framework's documentation for detailed instructions on generating a static build compatible with DeWeb.


While we aim to support a wide range of frameworks, compatibility may vary. Please ensure your setup works as expected. If you encounter any issues or need assistance, feel free to report them at A static bundle, as described, should work seamlessly with DeWeb.

Unsupported Configurations

Websites or applications that require server-side rendering, depend on backend servers to generate pages, or rely on dynamic content generation at runtime are not supported unless they can be configured to output static files as described above.

Examples of unsupported setups include:

  • Default configurations of Next.js, Nuxt.js, or SvelteKit that use server-side rendering or dynamic routes.
  • Applications that depend on server-side code or databases to serve content.
  • Projects that cannot produce a self-contained bundle with an index.html file and all necessary assets.

We are continuously working to expand compatibility with a wider range of frameworks and setups. Stay tuned for updates and improvements to DeWeb's capabilities.


  • Supported: Any client-side applications that build to a static bundle containing an index.html and assets. This includes SPAs with client-side routing and API calls, as long as all necessary files are included in the build output.

  • Conditionally Supported: Frameworks like Next.js, Nuxt.js, and SvelteKit, if they are configured to output static files (no SSR or dynamic server-side features).

  • Unsupported: Applications requiring server-side rendering, dynamic server-side features, or backend processing at runtime.

Step 1: Configure Access

You have two ways to configure access for deweb-cli: by using a configuration file or by providing options directly on the command line.

Option A: Using a Config File

For persistent settings, create a config file as described in the CLI Configuration page. This file can store values for node_url, wallet_path, wallet_password, chunk_size, or secret_key.

Option B: Using Command-Line Options

Alternatively, specify configurations directly in the command line for a one-time setup.

  • Use the following command to upload a website with command-line options:

    npx @massalabs/deweb-cli upload <website_path> --node_url <your_node_url> --wallet <path_to_wallet> --password <your_password>
  • Using a Secret Key: If you prefer to use a secret key instead of a wallet file, set it as an environment variable:

    export SECRET_KEY=<your_secret_key>

    deweb-cli will detect the SECRET_KEY variable automatically.

Step 2: Add Metadata

Add the following metadata to your config file to help index your website:

  • TITLE: The title of your website (max length of 50 characters).
  • DESCRIPTION: A brief description of your website (max length of 250 characters).
  • KEYWORD1, KEYWORD2, KEYWORD3, KEYWORD4, KEYWORD5: Keywords that describe your website (max length of 50 characters each).

For more information on the metadata fields and CLI config file, refer to the CLI Configuration page.

Step 3: Run the Upload Command

With your configuration in place, run the upload command to deploy your website:

npx @massalabs/deweb-cli upload /path/to/website-build-directory

If you need to edit an existing website, you can simply use the --address flag to specify the smart contract address of the website you want to edit.

This command will begin the upload process.

Step 4: Confirm the Upload

While the command is running, you will see estimated costs and be prompted to confirm the upload. Select yes to proceed.

Step 5: Follow the Progress

The CLI will display the progress of the upload, including the number of chunks uploaded.

Once your website has been successfully uploaded, you will see a success message with the address where your website is hosted:

Website deployed at AS12v...2UgLS

This message confirms that your website has been successfully deployed on the Massa blockchain. The output address (AS12v...2UgLS in this example) represents the address where your website is hosted.

Step 6: Access Your Website

To be able to access your website, you need to associate it with a Massa domain. Follow the instructions in Assigning a MNS to your website to link your deployed website address to a custom Massa domain.


If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please let us know through our issue tracker.