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Server Configuration

To configure your DeWeb server, create a YAML configuration file named deweb_server_config.yaml and store it alongside the server binary. Below is an example configuration file:

Example Configuration

domain: ""
network_node_url: ""
api_port: 8080
- "massaNameService"
- "AS1S...19b3"
- "massaNameService"
- "AS1S...4x3o"
misc_public_info: {
"tips": {
"BTC": "1PMyg9yJe9Y8zS3bD2N4e6w2F7K6Rmyt7B",
"ETH": "0x71C7656EC7ab88b098defB751B7401B5f6d8976F",
"MAS": "AU1wfDH3BNBiFF9Nwko6g8q5gMzHW8KUHUL2YysxkZKNZHq37AfX"

Default Configuration

If no configuration file is provided, the server will use the following default settings:

domain: "localhost"
network_node_url: ""
api_port: 8080

Configuration Fields

  • Domain: The domain the website is running on. For example, set this to if your server is running on The default value is localhost.

  • NetworkNodeURL: The node DeWeb server will connect to. By default, this is set to You can use any node address for the JSON public API, such as those listed in the Massa API Documentation (Default port: 33035).


    To access a website that has been deployed on buildnet, set the node address to

  • APIPort: The port the server will run on. The default value is 8080.

  • AllowList: A list of domains or smart contract addresses that are explicitly allowed. By default, this list is empty. If specified, only the websites in this list will be accessible.

  • BlockList: A list of domains or smart contract addresses that are explicitly blocked. By default, this list is empty. Websites in this list will be inaccessible.

  • misc_public_info: Optional, arbitrary raw JSON returned as the misc section of JSON object returned by the /__deweb_info public endpoint of the provider. It is useful in particular for allowing front-ends to tip the provider to incentivize quality of service. The tips section should be a dictionary of uppercase currency symbols as keys and the corresponding addresses that you own as values.