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Running a node

This document explains how to run a node.

This assumes that you have installed the node software. If not, please follow the installation instructions.

If your node was installed from binaries (simple installation)

Simply run the binaries you downloaded in the previous step:

  • Open the massa-node folder and run the massa-node executable
  • Open the massa-client folder and run the massa-client executable

On Ubuntu / MacOS

Configure the node

Default configuration is available here.

You can override the default configuration via massa-node/config/config.toml file.

Start the node

In a first window:

cd massa/massa-node/

Launch the node, on Ubuntu:

./massa-node -p <PASSWORD> |& tee logs.txt

Replace <PASSWORD> with a password that you will need to keep to restart your node. You should leave the window open.

Start the client

In a second window:

cd massa/massa-client/


./massa-client -p <PASSWORD>

Replace <PASSWORD> with a password that you will need to keep to restart your client

If your node was installed from source code (advanced installation)

On Ubuntu / MacOS

Start the node

In a first window:

cd massa/massa-node/

Launch the node, on Ubuntu:

RUST_BACKTRACE=full cargo run --release -- -p <PASSWORD> |& tee logs.txt

Replace <PASSWORD> with a password that you will need to keep to restart your node

Or, on MacOS:

RUST_BACKTRACE=full cargo run --release -- -p <PASSWORD> > logs.txt 2>&1

Replace <PASSWORD> with a password that you will need to keep to restart your node. You should leave the window open.

Start the client

On a second window:

cd massa/massa-client/


cargo run --release -- -p <PASSWORD>

Replace <PASSWORD> with a password. You will need this password to restart your client. Please wait until the directories are built before moving to the next step.

On Windows

Start the Node

  • Open Windows Power Shell or Command Prompt on a first window
    • Type: cd massa
    • Type: cd massa-node
    • Type: cargo run --release -- -p <PASSWORD>

Replace <PASSWORD> with a password. You will need this password to restart your node. You should leave the window opened.

Start the Client

  • Open Windows Power Shell or Command Prompt on a second window
    • Type: cd massa
    • Type: cd massa-client
    • Type: cargo run --release -- -p <PASSWORD>

Replace <PASSWORD> with a password. You will need this password to restart your client. Please wait until the directories are built before moving to the next step.


In case of crash of the Rust compiler or at runtime, please do not report bugs to the rustlang/rust repository, but open an issue on the Massa repository instead. We will triage the issues and open them on the Rust side if they are valid. This avoids polluting the main Rust repository with many reports of the same error.

What next ?

Congratulations, you are now running a node. To interact with the network, to send transactions and call smart contracts, you will need a wallet.

It is time to setup or import a wallet. Follow the tutorial: Creating a wallet.