Installing a node
You need a computer with 8 cores, 16 GB RAM, 1TB disk and a decent internet connection. More info in the FAQ.
From binaries (simple installation)
If you just wish to run a Massa node without compiling it yourself, you can simply download the latest binary below and go to the next step: Running a node.
- Windows executable
- Linux binary - only works with libc2.28 and higher (for example Ubuntu 20.04 and higher)
- MacOS binary
- Other binaries can be found on
From source code (advanced installation)
Otherwise, if you wish to run a Massa node from source code, here are the steps to follow:
On Ubuntu / MacOS
- on Ubuntu, these libs must be installed:
sudo apt install pkg-config curl git build-essential libssl-dev libclang-dev cmake
- on MacOS:
brew install llvm cmake
- install rustup:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
- configure path:
source $HOME/.cargo/env
- check rust version:
rustc --version
- install rust stable version:
rustup toolchain install 1.74.1
- set it as default:
rustup default 1.74.1
- check rust version:
rustc --version
- clone this repo:
git clone
- go to the cloned repository:
cd massa
- checkout the latest tag:
git checkout MAIN.2.4
On Windows
Set up your Rust environment:
- On Windows, you should first follow the indications from Microsoft to be able to run on a Rust environment here.
- Install Visual Studio (recommended) or the Microsoft C++ Build Tools.
- Once Visual Studio is installed, click on Desktop development with C++. Select on the right column called "installation details" the following packages:
- MSCV v143 - VS 2022 C++ build tools
- Windows 11 SDK
- C++ CMake tools for Windows
- Testing Tools Core Feature - Build tools
- Click install on the bottom right to download and install those packages
- Install NASM: choose win32 or win64 folder depending on your architecture and download then launch the installer.
- Install Chocolatey and run:
choco install llvm cmake
- Install Rust, to be downloaded here
- Install Git for windows, to be downloaded here
Clone the Massa Git Repository:
- Open Windows Power Shell
- Clone the latest distributed version:
git clone
- Go to the cloned repository:
cd massa
- Checkout the latest tag:
git checkout MAIN.2.4
- Change default Rust to the following stable version:
rustup default 1.74.1
- Clone the latest distributed version:
My node is installed. What next ?
Once you have installed your node, you want to set it up for running and staking. Before running the node, you should configure it to be routable as indicated here. Without it, your node will be unstable through lack of connectivity.